Thursday, October 8, 2009

HTML Tutorial

This tutorial is designed to teach you some the basics of HyperText Markup Language (HTML),with an emphasis on transforming a word-processing document into a simple Web page.You can get the most recent version of this tutorial from the CAT website: tutorial will guide you through the following steps:1. Retrieving the necessary materials from the Web2. Copying text from a word-processing document and pasting it into an HTML template3. Marking block elements and validating your work4. Marking inline elements and validating your work5. Using Netscape Composer6. Using Word's "Save as HTML" feature.7. Uploading your files to the Web serverPrerequisitesThis tutorial assumes a level of competency with basic computing tasks and concepts. You shouldunderstand the following terms:v Filesv Foldersv File hierarchyv The desktopv The Finder (Mac only)ConventionsActions that you need to perform are bulleted, like this:· Open the file.Menu commands look like this: File > Open. This means choose the Open option from the Filemenu. Sometimes, for the sake of brevity, common menu items may be referred to simply asSave or Open. The same style is used for other user interface elements, such as key you'resupposed to press and buttons you're supposed to click, i.e. "Click the OK button."HTML code and URLs look like this:Names of files and folders, as well as text that you are supposed to type, are rendered in italics.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial2Before You Begin· Look over the "Hypertext Markup Procedure" and "30-Odd Safe HTML Elements" quickreference sheets. Re-examine the handouts on "Anatomy of a Web Page" and the"Container Model."· Read the following information about filename extensions.About Filename ExtensionsSome operating systems use filename extensions to identify different types of files. For example,a file named document.htm or document.html is marked as a Web page. A file nameddocument.gif is marked as a particular type of image file, while document.jpg indicates an imagefile of another format. A Microsoft Word document might be named document.doc, whereas aplain text file would most likely be named something like document.txt.Web servers, which may run on a number of different operating systems, use filename extensionsto identify file types.The Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-DOS) uses filename extensions. Windows uses themtoo, since it is built "on top of" MS-DOS. Windows is often configured to hide filenameextensions, so that you may no t be aware of them. (But see below for the remedy.)The Mac OS doesn't use filename extensions. A very different system is employed to identifydifferent file types, so that a file named document could be almost anything -- text, graphics,audio, video, whatever. Mac users who want to publish on the Web or share files with Windowsusers need to be aware of filename extensions and start using them correctly.Examples of Common Filename Extension Problemsv You find a file named document.html.txt. Which is it — plain text or hypertext?v You create a web page that is supposed to display an image. The image file is namedpicture.jpg but you mistakenly set the SRC attribute of the IMG tag to point to picture.gif.The image does not appear.v You're a Windows user. A Mac user sends you e-mail with a Word document attached. Itis named Final Report. You can't open it. Because Final Report has no filenameextension, the Windows operating system can't identify it as a Word file. If the Mac userhad named the file Final Report.doc, this would not have occurred. Also note that it'sgood practice to avoid spaces and case variations in filenames if you plan to share themover the Web, so an even better name would be final_report.doc, final-report.doc orfinalreport.doc.Windows Only: Configure Your SystemFollow these instructions to make Windows display filename extensions at all times. This ishighly recommended for aspiring Web authors, because it reduces opportunities for confusion.· WinXP: From the Start menu, choose Control Panel, then double-click on FolderOptions. (In older versions of Windows, Open any folder or drive. From the View menu,choose Options or Folder Options.)· A dialog box should appear. Click the View tab.· Look for an option that says "Hide file extensions for known file types" or "Hide MS-DOSfile extensions for file types that are registered." Make sure this item is not checked.· Click the button marked OK.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial31. Retrieve MaterialsFirst you must create a folder to hold your files.· Create a new folder on the desktop and name it tutorial.Windows users: You can do this quite simply by clicking on the desktop with your rightmouse button and choosing New > Folder from the pop-up menu. Then, withoutpausing to draw breath, type the word tutorial. Press the Enter key and you're done.Mac users: You can do this quite simply by clicking on the desktop while pressing theControl key; choose New Folder from the pop-up menu. Then, without pausing tothink, type the word tutorial. Press the Return key and you're done.Next, you must retrieve the necessary materials from the Web.· Start Netscape, and point the browser to this URL:· Find the section of the page under the heading Tutorial Materials.· Follow the link to All_About_Mustard.doc which is a Microsoft Word Document.· Save this file in the tutorial folder you created earlier. (You'll be prompted by Netscape.)· Follow the link to template.txt which is a plain text file.The contents of the file will be displayed in the browser window. It should look like this:"">UntitledThis should look familiar to you. You'll use this raw code as a template for your first Web page.The best way to save this file to disk is simply to copy and paste:· Choose Edit > Select All to select all the text.· Choose Edit > Copy to copy the selected text.· Launch a text editor.Windows users: Use Notepad. From the Windows Start menu, choose Run… andenter notepad.Mac users: Use SimpleText. This application can usually be found on the hard drive, inthe Applications folder.· In your text editor, select Edit > Paste. The text you copied from your browser shouldappear in the window of the text editor.· Save this file. Name it template.txt and make sure that you are saving it in your tutorialfolder.· Close your text editor and return to Netscape.You should now have a Word document and a plain text file in your tutorial folder — all thematerials you need to complete this tutorial.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial42. From Word Processor to Web PageOften your Web pages will begin their digital life as word processing documents. In order to"mark up" such a document with HTML, you must first get it into a plain text format.One way to do this is by saving the document as a "text only" file. A simpler way is to copy thetext from the word processing program and paste it into a text editor, much as you did with thetemplate.txt file. Here's how:· Open the file named All_About_Mustard.doc which you saved to your tutorial folder.(Double-clicking the file's icon should launch Microsoft Word. If not, you will have tostart Word yourself and open the file from Word.)· Take a moment to look over the document and familiarize yourself with its contents andgeneral structure. A copy of this document is attached to the end of this tutorial; you mayfind it more convenient to refer to the printed copy as you proceed.· Choose Edit > Select All to select all the text.· Choose Edit > Copy to copy the selected text.· Open the template.txt file which you saved in your tutorial folder. (Double-clicking thefile's icon should launch your text editor. If not, you will have to start your text editoryourself and open the file within that application.)· Click between the opening and closing BODY tags.· Choose Edit > Paste. The text you copied from Word should appear in the window of thetext editor. Note that all the special formatting has been stripped away. All that remainsis plain text and line breaks (carriage returns).o Windows users: You may need to choose Edit > Word Wrap to see all the text.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial5Your document should now look something like this:"">UntitledAll About MustardAn Abbreviated History of MustardThe Greeks used mustard as a condiment and a drug but it was the Romans who firstmade real culinary use of it by grinding the seeds and mixing the flour withwine, vinegar, oil and honey. When they moved into Gaul they took mustard plantswith them and it was in the rich wine growing region of Burgundy that mustardflourished.It is reputed that at a festival in 1336 attended by the Duke of Burgundy and hiscousin King Philip the Fair, no less than 70 gallons of mustard were eaten.Reports do not say how pickled the guests were.Pope John XX11 of Avignon loved mustard so much that he created the post of"Mustard Maker to the Pope," a job he gave to an idle nephew who lived nearDijon. Dijon soon became the mustard centre of the world and in fact soimportant was it that in 1634 a law was passed to grant the men of the town theexclusive right to make mustard.1777 saw the start of mustard making as we know it today as it was in this yearthat Messieurs Grey and Poupon founded their company. They used Grey's recipeand Poupon's money! We still owe a lot to this redoubtable duo as in 1850 theircompany invented a steam operated grinding machine so ending the era of laboriousand back-breaking hand grinding.And as Jesus said in the Gospel of Thomas:[The Kingdom of Heaven] is like a mustard seed. It is the smallest of all seeds;but when it falls on tilled soil, it produces a great plant and becomes a shelterfor birds of the air.A Mustard RecipeIngredients4 Tablespoons Dry mustard powder1 Tablespoon White Wine Vinegar2 Tablespoons Flat beer1 Clove Garlic1 Teaspoon Sugar1/2 Teaspoon Salt1/4 Teaspoon Turmeric1 Tablespoon Olive oil -- optionalPreparation1. Whisk together dry mustard, vinegar and beer.2. Use a garlic press or large pair pliers to squeeze the juice from theclove of garlic into the mixture.3. Stir in sugar, salt and turmeric.4. To make mustard smoother and less hot, add olive oil to taste.Mustard Links§ Européenne de Condiments mustard company's website§ Mustard Gas description of mustard gas§ Mount Horeb Mustard Museum world's largest collection of prepared mustardsHow the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial6Now you need to save a copy of this file, without overwriting our original template. You also needto designate the new copy as a hypertext file, rather than a plain text file.· Choose File > Save As…· Name the file mustard.html and click the Save button, making sure to save the file inyour tutorial folder.Congratulations! You've just created a Web page. It's incomplete, to be sure, but take a momentto see how it looks in your Web browser:· Return to Netscape.· Choose File > Open Page. (Mac users should choose File > Open > Page in Navigator.)· A dialog box should appear. Navigate to your tutorial folder. (Windows users will needto click the Choose File button.)· Choose the mustard.html file, and click the Open button.Your Web page should now be displayed in the browser. Note how all the text is run together. Allthe extra whitespace and line breaks are ignored by the browser.Here's what you've accomplished so far: by using the template file, you saved yourself the chore oftyping out the basic "shell" of the Web page. The template establishes the global structure of thedocument, including version information and the HEAD and BODY.You've pasted raw text into the BODY of the document. However, you have not yet marked up anyof the text, and so the text has no logical structure.2.1 Titling Your DocumentBefore marking up your text, you need to give the HTML document a title.· Return to your text editor. The mustard.html file should still be open. (If not, you willneed to open it within your text editor.)· Find the TITLE tags, in the HEAD of the document.· Delete the word Untitled from between the TITLE tags.· Type a new title, such as Sample Web Page About Mustard .The title element should now look something like this:Your Title Here· Save your file.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial73. Marking Block ElementsNow you will designate the basic structure of the text. Each chunk of text must be designated asbelonging to a block element such as a heading or a paragraph.In order to designate an element, you must surround the chunk of text with the appropriate tags.An opening tag, such as , marks the beginning of the element. A closing tag, such as (note the forward slash) marks the end of the element.· Mark the first heading. That's the line which reads "All About Mustard." Since it's theheading for the whole page, mark it as a first-level heading, like so:All About MustardNote: That's a number one (1) after the H, not a lowercase letter L !· Choose File > Save to save your work.That's all there is to it. This is what's meant by marking an element.Now check your work:· Return to Netscape.· The mustard.html page should still be displayed, but the browser is showing the oldversion. To display the changes you just made, click the Reload button.The browser should reload the page. It is, in essence, re-reading the file from the disk and gettingthe new version you just saved. You should observe a very noticeable change in the page'sappearance.Now you must continue to mark up the rest of the text. This procedure requires you to exercisesome judgment. The following instructions do not tell you exactly what to type. Rather, you willbe instructed to "mark all the paragraphs," for example. It is up to you to decide what constitutesa paragraph, and to figure out which tag to use. Refer to the printed Word document and othermaterials as you need them. You should save your work often, and check your work in thebrowser often.Hint: For cleaner, easier-to-read markup, insert carriage returns liberally, whenever youneed them. Remember that they will not be visible in the browser.· Return to your text editor. The mustard.html file should still be open. (If not, you willneed to open it within your text editor.)· Mark all the headings. Remember that headings range from H1 (most important) to H6(least important). You've already marked a first-level heading, so mark up some secondandthird-level ones.Hint: There are three second-level headings and two third-level headings in thedocument.For example, the second heading should be marked to look like this:An Abbreviated History of MustardHow the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial8· Mark all the paragraphs with P tags.Hint: There are six paragraphs total, and they're all in the first section of the document.The extended quotation is a paragraph.For example, a marked paragraph should look like this:It is reputed that at a festival in 1336 attended by the Duke of Burgundyand his cousin King Philip the Fair, no less than 70 gallons of mustard wereeaten. Reports do not say how pickled the guests were.· Mark the extended quotation with BLOCKQUOTE tags.Hint: The BLOCKQUOTE tags should surround the P tags.[The Kingdom of Heaven] is like a mustard seed. It is the smallest of allseeds; but when it falls on tilled soil, it produces a great plant andbecomes a shelter for birds of the air.· Mark the ordered list (the one that is numbered) with OL tags.Hint: You are marking the whole list here, not the individual items in the list.1. Whisk together dry mustard, vinegar and beer.2. Use a garlic press or large pair pliers to squeeze the juice from theclove of garlic into the mixture.3. Stir in sugar, salt and turmeric.4. To make mustard smoother and less hot, add olive oil to taste.· Mark the unordered list (the bulleted list of links) with UL tags.* Européenne de Condiments mustard company's website* Mustard Gas description of mustard gas* Mount Horeb Mustard Museum world's largest collection of prepared mustards· Mark the individual list items in both lists with LI tags. Don't forget to mark up both thePreparation list and the Mustard Links list.Hint: There are only three items (not nine) in the list of links.Européenne de Condiments mustard company's website· Add a horizontal rule at the end of the page with the HR tag.Hint: The tag still needs to be in the BODY of the document. Also, remember that this isan empty content tag, so there is no closing tag.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial9· Add some information about how to contact the author of the page after the HR tag. Typesomething like: This page is maintained by Bart Everson [].Substitute your own name and e-mail address for mine.· Mark the line you just typed with ADDRESS tags.Every chunk of text should now be enclosed in one HTML tag or another.· Choose File > Save to save your work.· Return to Netscape and reload the page to check your work.You should notice some problems. The ordered list may have duplicate numbers, and the list oflinks may have a § or * symbol after each bullet. These are artifacts of the conversion from Wordto HTML. Also, the list of ingredients is still a jumbled mess. The list of links is also messy.Fix these problems as follows:· Return to your text editor.· Delete the numbers in the ordered list. They don't need to be explicitly stated.· Delete the § or * symbols from the list of links. They are also redundant.What about the list of ingredients? You could mark it as an unordered list, but then it would bebulleted. Besides, you already have one unordered list on the page. Therefore you will mark thisas preformatted text.· Mark the list of ingredients with the PRE tag.· Choose File > Save to save your work.· Return to Netscape and reload the page to check your work.The problems should be fixed, except for the list of links. You will fix that problem in section 4below.3.1 Setting the Background ColorIt would be nice to make the background of the page yellow — sort of a visual joke. You will dothis by customizing the BODY tag with an attribute.· Return to your text editor. The mustard.html file should still be open.· Expand the opening BODY tag to include the BGCOLOR (background color) attribute, andset the value to yellow.Hint: This would be a good time to review attribute syntax.The opening BODY tag should look exactly like this:· Choose File > Save to save your work.· Return to Netscape and reload the page to check your work.If you find the results too garish for your tastes, you can change the BGCOLOR value to lightyellowinstead.3.2 Validating Your WorkBefore you proceed, it's a good idea to validate your HTML and make sure you're on track so far.· Point your browser to this URL:How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial10 is the W3C's HTML validation service. It allows you to enter a URL for any page that's on theWeb and check the validity of its HTML.· Since your Web page is not on the Web (yet), follow the "upload files" link toward thebottom of the page.This will take you to a page which allows you to check the validity of files from your hard drive.· Click the Browse button.· Navigate to your tutorial folder, select the mustard.html file, and c lick the Open button.· Click the Validate this document button.If you're lucky, you'll get a "No errors found!" message. If not, examine the results to see if youcan pinpoint your mistake. Once you've corrected your errors, try to validate your documentagain. Don't move on to the next section until you succeed.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial114. Marking Inline ElementsNow you will continue to designate the structure of the text, but at the inline- or text-level, ratherthan the block-level.· Return to your text editor. The mustard.html file should still be open.· Mark the phrase 70 gallons as emphasized with the EM or STRONG tags.· Mark the phrase Gospel of Thomas as a citation with the CITE tags.· Put line breaks in the list of links using the BR tag.Hint: The tag should go between the name of the site and its URL. Put another onebetween the URL and the brief description. Also, remember that this is an emptycontent tag, so there is no closing tag.· Choose File > Save to save your work.· Return to Netscape and reload the page to check y our work.Observe the results of the changes you just made. Your Web page should now resemble the Worddocument with which you began.4.1 Designating LinksIt would be nice if the listed websites were clickable links. In this section, you will make them intolinks by marking them as anchors. Then you'll point the anchors to the appropriate URLs.· Return to your text editor. The mustard.html file should still be open.· Mark the name of each site as an anchor with the A element.Example:Mount Horeb Mustard Museum· Each anchor tag must be expanded to include the HREF (hyper-reference) attribute.Mount Horeb Mustard Museum· Each hyper-reference must be set to a URL. In other words, the URL is what goesbetween the quotation marks.Hint: Rather than type each URL by hand, simply cut and paste.Mt Horeb Museum· Choose File > Save to save your work.· Return to Netscape and reload the page to check your work.· It's good practice to follow your links and make sure they work.You should observe some peculiar spacing in your list of links. That's because your now have twoBR (line break) tags between each site name and its description. You can fix this quickly:· Return to your text editor, and delete the extra BR tags from the list of links.· Choose File > Save , then return to Netscape and reload the page.4.2 Validate Your WorkValidate the changes you made following the same instructions as in section 3.2 above.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial125. Using Netscape ComposerIf you did the browser tutorial for "Introduction to the Web," you should recall that Netscape isactually a suite of programs. It's not just a Web client (or browser), it's also an e-mail client and anews client.In addition, the Netscape suite includes an HTML authoring tool, called Composer. In thissection, you'll use Composer to accomplish some of the same tasks that you did with a text editor.Hopefully you'll find that your new knowledge of HTML helps you to understand the process.5.1 Some Thoughts About ComposerNetscape Composer is just one of many software tools that will write HTML for you. These toolstake some of the drudgery out of the process of creating Web pages. However, they are not allcreated equal.Composer has a few advantages: It's free, and you probably already have it. It is also fairly easy touse.Composer also has numerous limits. Although you can use Composer to do just about everythingwe've discussed in this seminar, it's incapable of almost everything discussed in the "AdvancedHTML" seminar. For example, Composer cannot handle forms or frames. If you ever wish to usestyle sheets, you will also find Composer inadequate.In the final analysis, I can't recommend Composer. There are simply too many other, better toolsout there, such as Allaire's HomeSite and BBEdit by BareBones Software. We hope to offerworkshops on these tools soon.But the choice of tool is up to you. If Composer meets your needs, use it. And hopefully thefollowing tutorial will give you a sense of what such a tool can do for you.One other note: Many of the features of Composer are not HTML 4.0 compliant. This tutorialignores those features, and concentrates on the things Composer does best.5.2 Getting StartedFirst you need to start Composer.· In Netscape, choose Communicator > Composer.A blank page should appear. At first you might think it looks a lot like Netscape Navigator, buttake a closer look. The illustrations below show the toolbars for both Navigator and Composer, asthey appear in Windows 95:Remember, Navigator is a browser, with which you view Web pages. Composer is an authoringapplication, with which you create Web pages.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial13Next, you must recopy the raw text of the Word document.· Return to Microsoft Word.· Open the file named All_About_Mustard.doc, if it is not already open.Funny thing about Composer — if you just paste the text in as you did before, it would interpreteach carriage return as a single line break. But Composer interprets double carriage returns asindicative of paragraphs. So…· Before each full paragraph, insert an extra carriage return with the Enter key (Windows)or the Return key (Mac).· Choose Edit > Select All to select all the text.· Choose Edit > Copy to copy the selected text.· Return to Composer.· Choose Edit > Paste to paste the copied text.· Choose File > Save and save your file as mustard_composer.html. Make sure to save itin your tutorial folder.As you save the page, Composer will prompt you for a page title. It's asking what you want to putbetween the TITLE tags.Mac users: If Composer does not prompt you, choose Format > Page Title .· Enter an appropriate title, such as " Sample Web Page Using Composer," then click OK.5.3 Designating ElementsNow you will designate the elements of the document, much as you did with your text editor. Thedifference is that you will use Composer's graphical user interface instead of typing HTMLmanually. You tell Composer what to do, and Composer writes the HTML for you.· Click in the first heading. That's the line whic h reads "All About Mustard."· Since this is the heading for the whole page, mark it as a first-level heading, by choosingFormat > Heading > 1. Or you can use the pop-up menu on the toolbar.That's all there is to it. That's how you designate an element in Composer.· Designate all the headings in the same fashion. Remember that there are six levels ofheadings, with 1 being most important and 6 being least important.· Designate the extended quotation by choosing Format > Paragraph > Block Quote.This optio n does not appear in the pop-up menu on the toolbar. It also does not appearin the Mac version of this program! Mac users should follow the following circuitousroute:o Choose Format > Character Info.o A dialog box should appear. Click the tab marked Paragraph.o Using the "Additional Style" pop-up menu, choose Block Quote.o Click the button marked OK.· Designate the unordered lists (lists that are not numbered) by choosing Format > List >Bulletted [sic for Windows version!]. Or you can just click the bulleted list button on thetoolbar.o You may wish to delete any extra characters that appear in the list of links, just asyou did in the previous section.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial14o By default, Composer makes each line in the list a bulleted item. But you don'twant the URLs and descriptions to be separate items.§ To correct this, click at the beginning of each URL.§ Press your backspace (Windows) or delete (Mac) button until the URLappears on the same line as the site name.§ Insert a line break by choosing Insert > New Line Break or by pressingShift + Enter (Windows) or Shift + Return (Mac).· Designate the ordered list (the one that is numbered) by choosing Format > List >Numbered. Or you can just click the numbered list button on the toolbar. You will noticenumber signs appear before each list item.· Add a horizontal rule at the end of the page.o This is a little tricky. Click at the end of the page and your blinking text-insertioncursor should appear at the end of the last line of text, which you marked as a listitem.o Press Enter or Return to start a new line. However, since you're in a list, thenext line will be designated as a list also. You need to "escape" the list.o Click the bulleted list button in the toolbar to escape from the list.o Click the H. Line button in the toolbar to insert a horizontal rule. Or chooseInsert > Horizontal Line.· Press Enter or Return to start a new line.· Add some information about how to contact the author of the page after the horizontalrule. Just type something like: This page is maintained by Bart Everson[]. Substitute your own name and e-mail address for mine.· Designate the line you just typed as an address by choosing Format > Paragraph >Address. Or you can use the pop-up menu on the toolbar.· Select the e-mail address you just typed.· Designate this selection as a link by choosing Insert > Link… or by clicking the Linkbutton in the toolbar.o A dialog box should appear. In the field, enter your own e-mail address for mine.o Click OK.· Make the URLs in the list of links into actual links:o Select the URL.o Choose Edit > Copy.o Designate this selection as a link by choosing Insert > Link… or by clicking theLink button in the toolbar.o A dialog box should appear. Paste the URL you just copie d into the field. Sinceyou can't access the Edit menu, you will have to use the keyboard shortcut, whichis Ctrl+V for Windows and Command+V for Macintosh. (The command key issometimes called the Apple key and is next to the spacebar.)o Click OK.· Select the phrase 70 gallons in the second paragraph.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial15o Designate this selection as a bold or italic by choosing Format > Style > Bold orFormat > Style > Italic. You may also click the appropriate button in the toolbar.Notice the lack of an emphasis or strong emphasis option.· Choose Format > Page Colors and Properties (Windows) or Format > PageProperties (Mac).o A dialog box should appear. Click the option marked Use Custom Colors.o From the pop-up menu (marked Color schemes in Windows) choose Black onLt. Yellow.· Choose File > Save to save your work.5.4 Checking Your WorkNow it's time to check this page and see what it actually looks like in a browser like NetscapeNavigator. Remember, you're using Composer, which is not a browser! Things will look a littlebit different in "authoring" mode.· To load the page into Navigator, choose File > Browse Page or click the preview buttonin the toolbar.Things should look a little different now. You may also notice some problems. The ordered listmay have duplicate numbers, for example. Note that the HTML-generated numbers only showedup as number signs (#) in Composer.You may fix this problems as follows:· Return to Composer. An easy way to do this is to choose File > Edit Page.· Delete the numbers in the ordered list. They don't need to be explicitly stated.· Delete the § symbols from the list of links. They are also redundant.· Choose File > Save to save your work.· Load the page into Navigator by choosing File > Browse Page or clicking the previewbutton in the toolbar.The problem should be fixed.Take a moment to examine the source code and see what Composer has done on your behalf:· Choose View > Page Source.· Examine the HTML code.· When you're done, close this window.5.5 Validating Your WorkTry to validate mustard_compo ser.html as described in section 3.2 above. The results should tellyou something very important about using Composer.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial166. Using Microsoft Word's "Save as Web Page" FeatureAs you saw above, Composer can make things easier, but there is a price that you must pay forthis convenience. Now you'll look at an even easier feature available directly in Microsoft Word.· Return to Microsoft Word.· Open the file named All_About_Mustard.doc, if it is not already open.· Choose File > Save as Web Page .Note: This feature is only available in some versions of Word. In previous versions itwas labeled Save as HTML. In even older versions, it simply does not exist.· Name this file mustard_word.html.· Click the button marked OK.Now take a look at the Web page you just created in Netscape Navigator.· Return to Netscape.· Choose File > Open Page. (Mac users should choose File > Open > Page in Navigator.)· A dialog box should appear. Navigate to your tutorial folder. (Windows users will needto click the Choose File button.)· Choose the mustard_word.html file, and click the Open button.The Word-generated Web page should now be displayed in the browser. Wow! That was quickand easy. But if you take some time to look over the page, you may discover that it's not all thatgreat.Take a moment to examine the source code and see what Word hath wrought:· Choose View > Page Source.· Examine the HTML code.· When you're done, close this window.It may amuse you to know that some Web authoring packages actually offer a feature called CleanUp Microsoft Word HTML.It's also instructive to compare the sizes of the files you've created so far.· Open your tutorial folder.o Windows users: Choose View > Details.o Mac users: Choose View > as List.· You may need to expand the window to see everything.· Click on the tab marked Size to sort the files by size.· Compare the file sizes. Remember that when it comes to Web pages, small is beautiful!You can try to validate mustard_word.html if you wish, but the results will be the same as withthe page generated through Composer.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial177. Uploading Your FilesThe next step is to put these files on the Web. To do this, they must be uploaded from yourdesktop computer to one of the Xavier Web servers.The server designated for personal pages is named Your home directory is onthis server. It was created with your Xavier e -mail account.Remember that "directory" is just another term for "folder."In order to access your home directory, you will need to know your username and passwo rd. (Ifyou've never done this before, your password is probably still the default password that wasissued when your account was first created: xavier1 . You should change it as soon as possible.)In this section, you will learn how to use another piece of software to upload files to the Xavierserver through a procedure known as File Transfer Protocol or FTP. This piece of software is anFTP client.To use any FTP client, you must have an active connection to the Internet.· Windows users should use WS_FTP (see section 7.1 below)· Mac users should use Fetch (see section 7.2 below)How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial187.1 Using WS_FTP (Windows Only)Note: If you don’t have WS_FTP LE, download it for free from to the Xavier Web Server· Start WS_FTP on your computer. A dialogue box similar to the one below should appear(if not, click Connect in the lower left hand corner).· Fill in the information as shown, substituting your own username in the User ID field.The proper host name is Type in your regular Xavier e -mailpassword (which will appear as ******) in the Password field.· If you are working on your own personal computer, you may also assign a Profile Nameand check the Save Password box, then click Save. This will allow you to make ashortcut to your account in the future and not have to enter your password every time youconnect. Don't do this if you are at a shared computer!· When you're done, click OK.After you complete the above step, the program should connect to the Xavier Web server, and ifyou have the 'bells and whistles', you'll hear a sound effect of a train coming through. This is notmeant to frighten you. It's supposed to be a good thing.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial19You should now see something like this:Take a moment to contemplate this marvel of the modern age. Notice that there are two windows.The window on the left shows the local system; the window on the right shows the remote system.The local system is the machine on your desktop, r ight in front of you. The remote system issomewhere else — probably in a building somewhere else on campus, though theoretically it couldbe anywhere from a couple yards to half a world away. In this case, the remote system is theXavier Web server.You will use WS_FTP to transfer files from your local system to the remote system.Notice the two arrow buttons between the two windows. They may look innocuous, but they'rethe heart of this program. The arrow which points from left to right is used to copy local files tothe remote system. This is called as uploading. The arrow which points from right to left is usedto copy remote files to the local system. This is called as downloading.Creating a New Directory· Click the MkDir (pronounced 'make deer' and meaning 'make directory') button to theright of the Remote System window.· A dialog box should appear asking you to "Enter new remote folder name." Fill in thefield with myhtmltutorial.· Click OK.· In the Remote System window, you should now see a folder named myhtmltutorial.Double-click on myhtmltutorial to open it.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial20Uploading Your FilesFirst you will select your files on the local system, then you will upload them to the remotesystem.· In the Local System window (left-hand side), navigate to the place where your files arelocated. Navigation can be a little tricky in this program! Here are some tips:o Double-click to open a folder.o Double-click the green arrow to move up a level in the file hierarchy.o To get to the desktop, navigate to the WINDOWS folder and open the DESKTOPfolder.o Remember that your files are in the tutorial folder on the desktop. When you finthe tutorial folder, double-click to open it.When at last you find your files, you must select them.· Hold down the shift key while you the files you wish to upload. Select all the HTML filesyou created. Don't forget to select mustard.jpg as well.When all your files are selected, you may upload them to the server.· Click the right arrow button in the center of the window.· If a dialog box appears asking if you wish to upload the files, click Yes.WS_FTP will begin uploading. When done, the myhtmltutorial folder in the Remote Systemwindow should contain the files you selected for transfer.· Check to make sure this is the case.· Proceed to section 7.3 below.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial217.2 Using Fetch (Mac Only)Connecting to the Xavier Web Server· Start Fetch on your Mac.· A dialog box similar to the one below should appear (if not, choose File > NewConnection from the menu bar).· Fill in the information as shown, substituting your own username in the User ID field.The proper host name is Type in your regular Xavier e -mailpassword (which will appear as ******) in the Password field.· When you're done, click OK.You should now be seeing a listing of your home directory on for a little terminology. Let's talk about the local system and the remote system.The local system is the machine on your desktop, right in front of you. The remote system is themachine you just connected to, and it's somewhere else — probably in another building oncampus, though theoretically it could be anywhere from a couple yards to half a world away.Creating a New Directory· In the menu bar, choose Directories > Create New Directory.· Fill in the field with myhtmltutorial.· Click OK.You should now see a directory named myhtmltutorial. You may need to scroll down to see it.· Double-click on myhtmltutorial to open it.Uploading Your FilesFirst you will select your files on the local system, then you will upload them to the remotesystem.· In the menu bar, choose Remote > Put Folders and Files.· In the dialog box that follows, navigate to the contents of your tutorial folder.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial22· Select and Add each file you wish to upload. Select all the HTML files you created. Don'tforget to select mustard.jpg as well.· When you are finished, click Done.· Make sure the next dialog box has the following settings:Text Files: TextOther Files: Raw Data· Click OK.Fetch will upload the files. When the upload is complete, the contents of myhtmltutorial in theFetch window should contain the files you selected for transfer.· When you are satisfied that all your materials have been transferred, proceed to section7.3 below.7.3 The Moment of TruthNow comes the moment of truth! Point your browser to: -- you're a webmaster!How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial238. Cleaning UpYou probably don't want to leave these tutorial files on the server, so you may delete them.· Return to your FTP client.· Select the files you wish to delete from the remote system. Hold down the shift key toselect multiple files.o Windows users: Click the button to the right of the Remote System Window thatis marked Delete.o Mac users: Choose Remote > Delete Directory or File…· Click Delete in the dialog box that appears.You may now close all running applications.If you are doing this tutorial in a lab, you should also take a moment to clean up the desktop as acourtesy to the next user. Simply drag your tutorial folder to the Recycle Bin (Windows) or theTrash (Mac). Don't forget to shut down your computer and turn off the monitor.How the Web Works, Part I: Introduction to HTMLHTML Tutorial24All About MustardAn Abbreviated History of MustardThe Greeks used mustard as a condiment and a drug but it was the Romans who first madereal culinary use of it by grinding the seeds and mixing the flour with wine, vinegar, oil and honey.When they moved into Gaul they took mustard plants with them and it was in the rich winegrowing region of Burgundy that mustard flourished.It is reputed that at a festival in 1336 attended by the Duke of Burgundy and his cousin KingPhilip the Fair, no less than 70 gallons of mustard were eaten. Reports do not say how pickledthe guests were.Pope John XX11 of Avignon loved mustard so much that he created the post of "MustardMaker to the Pope," a job he gave to an idle nephew who lived near Dijon. Dijon soon became themustard centre of the world and in fact so important was it that in 1634 a law was passed to grantthe men of the town the exclusive right to make mustard.1777 saw the start of mustard making as we know it today as it was in this year that MessieursGrey and Poupon founded their company. They used Grey's recipe and Poupon's money! We stillowe a lot to this redoubtable duo as in 1850 their company invented a steam operated grindingmachine so ending the era of laborious and back-breaking hand grinding.And as Jesus said in the Gospel of Thomas:[The Kingdom of Heaven] is like a mustard seed. It is the smallest of all seeds; but when it fallson tilled soil, it produces a great plant and becomes a shelter for birds of the air.A Mustard RecipeIngredients4 Tablespoons Dry mustard powder1 Tablespoon White Wine Vinegar2 Tablespoons Flat beer1 Clove Garlic1 Teaspoon Sugar1/2 Teaspoon Salt1/4 Teaspoon Turmeric1 Tablespoon Olive oil -- optionalPreparation1. Whisk together dry mustard, vinegar and beer.2. Use a garlic press or large pair pliers to squeeze the juice from the clove o f garlic into themixture.3. Stir in sugar, salt and turmeric.4. To make mustard smoother and less hot, add olive oil to taste.Mustard Links· Européenne de Condiments mustard company's website· Mustard Gas description of mustard gas· Mount Horeb Mustard Museum world's largest collection of prepared mustards

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